been reading ZEN buddhism lately.
hoping to scan a few pages to show you how the teachings were presented.
i bought it to compare the religion with my own faith. i am not a bit doubtful about
my faith nor in any way discontented but i would want to know why people would rather
embrace Buddha than Christ.

after reading only the first page, i would not be surprise why many people are attracted to

ZEN means to be free, -- absolutely -- to be a human being, and this is possible only
when self-interest has ended and a person is one with the immensity of life.

somehow it occurred to me (i dont really know why) that it so much easier to be one with life
(they sometimes refer to life as ZEN itself) than to admit that you are a sinner and that you need a
Saviour to die for you in order to be saved. in Buddhism, there is no need for any feeling of guilt
because you are one with the world and the world is one with you....
or something like that =)

i cant be a ZEN master in just a week, you know...and many disciples needed many lifetimes
in order to be enlightened.

i better just go scan comic strips for you =)

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